Startup error


when starting the latest release (6.0.16348.9381, 13.12.2016), this comes up:

Rhinoceros WIP CRhCommandManager::RegisterCommand ERROR

Command did not register.

  • UUID: 7E8A7FA0-E373-30cc-A0F1-7936FEC05E
  • English Name: TextEdit
  • Local Name: TextBearbeiten

When I try the command ‘TextBearbeiten’, then Rhino hangs:

Next thing is when I right click on the Arrow button, Rhino asks a question instead of cancelling all:


Thanks, that seems to be a combination of a couple bugs RH-37236 and RH-37180

RH-37180 is fixed in the latest WIP

Still the same…



my WIP build is 6.0.16362.6421, 27.12.2016, and wenn I try TextBearbeiten [= _EditText], I get the same result as Charles except for the error message. On the other hand, the written text does not even appear in the viewport’s text edit box.

The newcomer I am, maybe I just don’t know how to handle the command accordingly?


the current command is

In the beta from 2017.01.17 this works.
Also by double-clicking a text.

Regarding the cancel error, yes, this one is still there.



I’ve just updated to 6.0.17017.13261 and now it seems to work, both by running the command or double-clicking the text edit box:

Would you agree according to the above screencatch? And if you would, can I close the following Youtrack Issue assigned to me?

Thanks for your help.

@Joachim_Kuntz Thanks for your work on this. I recommend you move the issue to “Needs Testing” instead of “Closed”. Doing so will send it through our regular testing process and get announced next week. Thanks!

Done. Thanks for your advice, @brian

In the latest beta I have this issue:

Command did not register.

  • UUID: 712068FE-4313-3c92-9B80-BAFF3C1032
    -English Name: UpdatePlugins
    -Local Name: AggiornaPlug-in

This will be fixed in the next WIP.

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