OK, here is a first go-round… I added a few bells and whistles from the old script, but there are also limitations:
- Works on multiple input curves
- Separate start/end side lengths (so you can make tapered sections)
- Entering 0 for the end side length will pipe to a point
- Cap or not
- Orientation of square section is still “random” based on Rhino’s evaluation of the input curves perpendicular frames (like normal Pipe command)
- Using different start/end values with kinked input curves (like polylines) will cause failures, so I ignore these cases. Kinked curves do work OK with uniform cross sections (same start/end sizes)
Let me know how it works for you. I also have a single size pipe script that is a bit simpler if need be.
MultisquarePipe2V.py (4.2 KB)