Split Brep with cone results at split near iso curve

minor issue, but i fail to understand why … and it cause some additional nodes to visualize the curves correctly

when I split some planar srf’s with a cone, I would expect the curve segments of the resulting trimmed surfaces to be a single curve, but it’s not. See attached image, to better illustrate the issue.
From the looks of it, at or near the isocurve of the cone the edge of the trimmed surface is split in two parts.
split_behavior.gh (21.7 KB)

it’s because of the position of the Seam of the cone:

this is a stupid setup to confirm the above, where the whole cone is rotated around its axis, to see the split following the seam:

split_behavior_seam.gh (21.4 KB)

if you rotate the cone in such a way the seam is out of the intersection, you should get a perfect result

in alternative maybe something like this:

split_behavior_Re.gh (16.0 KB)

thanks inno, cheesy workaround are just part of life. Your suggestion made me abandon the cone, and make a ruled surface insteads (no point, but small circle at start location). That seems to get rid of the seam as well

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