if I do two splits than the parts are shrinked, but it was disabled.
If I do one split only than it works:
Looks like a bug.
if I do two splits than the parts are shrinked, but it was disabled.
If I do one split only than it works:
Looks like a bug.
Hi Micha - I do not follow - I get all the output shrunk and the option is there throughout…
I try to get the UV kept and no additional shrinking, but if I set more than one cut than I get shrunken surfaces always. My screenshots shows that shrink=No, but the results are not the same.
I also get three trimmed surfaces, none of the them shrunk.
Perhaps you could provide a file with an example before and after splitting.
Attached the surface where I get the strange split results.
Result after split with shrink=no
Split at Isocurve Issue.3dm (164.3 KB)
Hi Micha - are you just running Split
from the command line, with Shrink=No? No is the non-sticky default, you need to ask for Shrink=Yes every time, so with no input from you, this should always work without shrinking.
I used the command from the menu and “no” was there per default. That’s fine. I need ‘no’ since I want to keep the UV, but the UV are destroyed if I split more than one split during one run. There should not be a difference between one and two splits or? Only it helps to split one time and start the command for a second single split.
Hi Micha- I see the texture mapping is using a shrunken version of the surfaces… I’ll investigate.