SpiralGeo GH

I am trying to model this in GH,

but I cannot understand what fundamental logical error I am doing. Any suggestions on how I can achieve the spiral geometry? Thank you

Please, see the attached GH file below

spiral GH.gh (5.1 KB)

without formula it is hard to know what you are doing with just an image.
So from what I understand your curves is a spiral with n turns
So angle of rotation in XY plane must be [0, n* 2 * pi]
Radius is R so domain for radius is [0, radius]
Lets says height is a 0 a beginning, max at Pi/2 and 0 at pi so it is a sinus with a domain of [0, pi]
Lets use point cylindrical

spiral GH.gh (8.2 KB)

But also many errors
PointPolar “xy” is asking for an angle, if you put cos(angle) or sin(angle) you will be limited to angles for [-1 rad to 1 rad]. Cos and Sin are useful if you don’t want to use PointPolar
Whhy feeding “xy” with 2 differents values !!
If “d” is constant you will have points on a sphere
if 'z" is constant you will have points on a plane.

So you must relearn the basics of PointPolar Point Cylindrical


spiral GH_china_powah.gh (12.7 KB)

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Thank you for such a detailed explanation, Laurent. I will revisit the basics

Thank you. I found this one before but I was looking for a breakdown of it in grasshopper, like how Laurent did, Cheers!