Speckle Streams brings parametric design to the web

Speckle Streams is for now a free service, courtesy of The Bartlett School of Architecture & InnoChain.

Speckle Streams has just two components: SPK Sender and SPK Receiver. With just that you get a Pandora’s box of things:

  • Realtime data broadcasting from any Grasshopper file to any other multi-user grassopper!
  • Realtime online viewer of the geometry: Updates in Grasshopper are immediately visible online.
  • Realtime online parameter manipulation of your definition (like the remote control, but available anywhere as long as the defintion is online).
  • Solution space packager: Detach your parametric model from the live backend for a more responsive and stable experience. No more flakiness (at an upfront computational cost on your side). Supports concurrent computations.

Download from food4Rhino…

Posted Nov 10, 2016 by Cécile Lamborot on Rhino News, etc.