Specifying direction for arrayhole

When I use ArrayHole it asks for the number in A direction and the number in B direction, then asks for a distance and direction. I have found no method to explicitly type in a direction. It seems I have to use the mouse. Is there no way to type in a direction?? Wish there was.

Looks like I figured it out. But what I entered doesn’t seem to match the semantics (?) of what was asked. I guess it could be construed that way thinking of vectors. Instead of typing in what I thought was wanted, a distance and direction, I typed in the location of the next point which is certainly telling it where to go, but … Sometimes it is difficult for me to wrap my head around the way Rhino asks for things.

Hello - I suppose the command could show a temporary CPlane on the planar surface with the origin at the base point and allow the usual relative constraints like r20<30 to be used with that - the difficulty, I guess, is that there is no telling what the relationship to the desired array that CPlane will take so it may not actually help much.
The angle constraint ("<30"") and relative constraint (“r2,3”) do do work for the current CPlane. So setting that to the surface ahead of time may be a good way.


There are so many questions about the solid edit tools where holes are concerned. The help file on the web doesn’t help much. Why when you want to place a round hole and you have specified the radius, why does it ask for the first radius point then the second radius point. This makes no sense. Once I have specified the surface and radius and center point that should be it. How would the first and second radius points be used?? Guess I’m off topic but it’s just another example of the need for better help files.

Hi Joe - the radius points just set a distance - the two points can be anywhere, the radius is applied whereever the hole is. Note you can also use the Radius command inside the radius getter for this and any other command looking for similar input: Click Radius and then, instead of picking two points, type in ‘radius’ (and Enter) - this launches the nested Radius command, and lets you pick any curve or edge to provide the radius for your hole - so for example, you can match an existing hole without knowing ahead of time that that radius is.


Okaaaay. Not sure what a radius getter is. I’ll play with the hole commands some more. I think I’ve made peace with the basics of ArrayHole.