Specific file does not open

Rhino 8 works normally with all files except for one file that unfortunately is necessary to submit for my project,
I have tired many times and waited for more than 30 but the file kept being not responding with this screen, although the file is just 73 MB, and it was working until 2 days ago but now it does not

Do you have any idea why is this happening? is the file corrupted or something?

impossible to tell without the file… can you post it?

you may want to try opening a blank file and importing it instead of opening it. that will strip out the rendermesh and may allow it to open. (the render mesh will simply be recreated the next time you go into a shaded mode)

I have tried to import it to a new file too but I got the same result, it freezes and does not respond.
Here is the file

pops right open here in v8-

Pavilion 3 clean_kfix.zip (6.9 MB)

(cool model by the way :wink: )

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it opened here…

Run -systemInfo in Rhino and post the results?

Hi @Suhaib_Alkhazraji
Just for reference: It DID open here, but took a while the first time (unpacking textures, I guess). But please note that you have two bad objects in there - the ramp at the back, which has a bad surface at the “sharp” end - I’m guessing it’s a collapsed edge.

The other bad object is inside the group that makes up the wave of the pavilion.

Use SelBadObjects to identify the objects. The ramp ca be fixed by exploding the object, use SelBadObjects to select the collapsed surface, delete it and then re-join the rest to get a closed solid. The other bad object is a polysurface made of 3 surfaces all collapsed onto each other. I’ts not a visible object as far as I can tell, so maybe it’s OK to just delete it? If not, it needs to be rebuild to whatever it needs to look like.

HTH, Jakob

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:blush: Thank you for the complement
the file now opens, but it freezes and does not respond when I try to save it after working on it, the same freezing happens when I tried to import or copy any geometry to a new file, the only thing worked is to extract wireframes for all geometries and copy them to a new file and model everything from the beginning.
after all Thank you for helping, it saved me some time :innocent:

you have a ton of hatches and curves and block instances in that file… any of them could be troublesome. It may be worth going thru and culling out anything you don’t need in that file.

I have also done a simple investigation on files like this-

open a new blank file, copy just the surfaces from the old file into a new file. play with it for a bit.
does it behave? if so, then grab just the curves from the old file and paste them into the new file. wash rinse repeat with the blocks, the hatches, the text, etc…

may help you determine what is causing the issue.

If I had to guess I’d say its the blocks or the hatches.

you also may want to try and clear all the rendermeshes with the clearallmeshes command

fwiw, exploding all your blocks back to objects speeds the file up a bunch here…