I am trying to slice this object at an angle and print it but several contours first point in their list is starting in an unusual location. How can I sort each contour so that every point starts at the same region, i.e. at the farthest y point in each group?
Insence holder.gh (282.2 KB)
This question is different from your title, which I assumed was the real goal: sorting division points on the contours so that they have a consistent order.
The ‘real’ (basic) way to sort the points based on Y coordinates then picking the first farthest point is this:
However I don’t think it’ll satisfy what seems to be the real (assumed) goal.
Insence holder.gh (290.9 KB)
*While testing things I made another contour start point but you can swap between that and the one you were choosing.
I guess we work on the left side of this canvas, as the right side is GCode?
What is the question again? This part is garbled:
Awesome! Thank you! I was messing with seam and curve closest point but couldn’t quite figure out how to put them together.
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