Sort a gh list with diffrent branches and values

hi out there,
I am on the verge of despair,

I would like to sort a gh list.

all branches with the same index in the second line are to be compared


only one branch per index is to be output, namely the one with the lowest value in the first line.

would be super cool if someone could help me

Post the code.

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I have no code,

is a solution with gh components possible?

0. 41

  1. 111
  2. Group with 42 objects
  3. 0
  4. 111
  5. Group with 31 objects
  6. 50
  7. 233
  8. Group with 67 objects
  9. 50
  10. 233
  11. Group with 67 objects
  12. 0
  13. 111
  14. Group with 31 objects

I meant that list to save everyone the hassle of creating it from scratch. It’s right there in your screenshot - just share that data.


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very similar to Adam’s solution, this groups by same “index=1” item, and gives you the lowest respective “index=0” value for each of those groups

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exactly what i needed, taaaank you so much guys !