Something that I don't understand

hi guys. I am trying to learn grasshopper. I fallowed some tutorials from youtube but there is something that I dont understand. I fallowed some steps which they are in the purple group to choose specific surfaces. But I didnt understand. list item didnt work on by own to choose right faceses so I added this purple gruop. I’d be verry happy if someone can explain the logic of these plugins. thanks. also I added the files.
r2.3dm (999.0 KB) (24.5 KB)

You basically sort all faces of your BRep by the distance from their face-centerpoint to a given point.

A key-value search, orders the keys in ascending order. The keys chosen are the distances. And the values are the faces themselves.

“Keys” = Properties for sorting
“Values” = The actual objects to be sorted.

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oh that makes sense now. thank you so much for the answer.

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