[SOLVED] Renaming Breps in GH. Using "Human" or "Elefront?"

I have a number of polysurfaces, all of which are name similarly to “L01,” L02," “L03,” etc. I need to find-and-replace the letter “L” with the letter “R,” and I thought I’d try to do that as a GH learning experience.

After searching the forum, I installed both “Human” and “Elefront,” and started mucking about trying to figure out the process. Here’s what I have so far:

At this point, I can’t figure out how to update the name attributes.


  • Is doing this in GH a reasonable approach, or should I also start to learn a scripting language (or C#)?
  • Provided GH is the right tool, how should I proceed, in order to update the name attributes?

Thanks, in advance, for your suggestions and help.

Do note that you have to zoom into the Modify Elefront Attributes to hit the + to add the Rhino Name Attribute.

Rickson -

Many thanks for your help. Apparently, however, I’m overlooking something, as I get an error message:

The entire error message is “1. Solution exception:Method not found: ‘Boolean Rhino.DocObjects.Layer.op_Inequality(Rhino.DocObjects.Layer, Rhino.DocObjects.Layer)’.” Any idea what I’m doing wrong, here?

Also, can you tell me how to turn on the display of the component name bubbles? (Readers: Please feel free to snicker at the newbie! :grinning:)

Not sure, is the rhino version compatible with the plugin version? There are different releases for R5/R6 Elefront plugins.

The name bubbles are a plugin called bifocals. https://www.food4rhino.com/app/bifocals

You nailed it! Amazingly, with the correct version installed, it works perfectly. And the “Bifocals” app is also terrific.

Many thanks.