Solution Exception: Windows Error - Runtime error (Win32Exception) in GH with TRNLizard

Hi there,
I am using TRNLizard in Grasshopper and this error occurs. (509.5 KB)

Hi Lennard -

You might want to contact Transsolar about this issue. There’s a support eMail address on the Food4Rhino page.

Hi Lennard, have you found a solution for this problem? I’ve got the same… :confused:

Hi Eva,
it has been a while since i first encountered this problem. In the meantime i have found solution i think. This error might be caused by the setting in the Panel for the TRNSYS folder. There it should state your local path of the TRNSYS folder like "c:\TRNSYS18", instead of "c:\TRNLizard"

Hi Lennard,
I’m a bit confused, I just download and install trnlizard. by the way I installed it this way : copy all Grasshopper User Files_ (.ghuser) _ and paste them in this path: C:\Users\LOTUS\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\UserObjects
in this way: running rhino-open grasshopper-file-special folders-user object folder.

I’m dealing with this errors:

  1. Set Rhino Units to Meter and tolerance to 0.00000001
    1. Solution exception:SystemExit
      also I opened the rhino file in download package and it has windows error.
      what should I do?

Hi hasti,
You need to use Rhino 6, we just managed to solve this problem changing version of Rhino.
If you really want to use Rhino 7 or 8 you have to enter in the Python Script Editor and change the abs_tolerance value (line 825) from 0.00000001 to 0.001.
Always remember to set the tolerance on the properties of the 3dm file in 0.00000001
Hoping that could help.