Solids using SubD

Hello @theoutside - I want to make a locket using SubD and started with a SubD box but when I cut it the box isn’t a solid…does capping the shape create a solid? My preference is to create shapes that are solid then cut them. Any suggestions?

I capped these shapes but when I later tried to boolean difference with same shape but smaller - the error is the shapes do not intersect - it seems as if the cap does not make it a solid.


yep, run the cap command and it should close up assuming these are nurbs objects that I’m seeing.

once you trim a subd it converts to nurbs automatically.

unfortunately it failed and I’m not sure why? is there a way to create the subd shapes in solid?

Can you post the file? Thanks

locket C.3dm (1.4 MB)

all your surfaces are unjoined… run join then do your booleans-

worked fine here in v8

locket C_kfix.3dm (4.3 MB)

I’m curious to understand… using the SubD box feature isn’t that already a 3D shape that doesn’t need to be joined? Seems like it should be…

So in the future to avoid this - What is the indicator that the surface was not joined? Is it best to just double check that all the surfaces of each shape are merged using MergSerf then booleandiff?


yes, BUT…

when you trim a subd it automatically converts to a nurbs surface…if you expode that it creates individual nurbs surfaces.

now you need to deal with it like a normal nurbs surface or poly surface