Solid face rotation

Hi to everyone,

I’m a beginner and I would like to know if there is a simple way to rotate the face of a solid like in the attached picture.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Renato -

Not really. You’ll have to create a plane and use that to cut the solid with.

Hi and thanks for your reply. I’ll try with the way you have suggested. I have to use the trim solid component?

Hi -

If you create a solid cutter instead of just a plane, then, yes, you could.
If you use a simple plane, you could use the Solid Difference component. Just make sure to have the normals of the planes pointing in the correct direction.

Point deform?

Sure, but that only works on single face breps and you’ll have to deconstruct and reconstruct. A lot more work, no?

It doesn’t work on solids?

There’s a bunch of tree management involved, potentially, yes. I thought the upside was that if you’re dealing with many breps, especially if it’s a bunch of relatively simple ones that just need miters, point deform is faster than a ton of booleans.

Hi, I tried with the solid difference component and a plane but I couldn’t, why? As I said I’m a beginner! I enclose my try.
Renato (3.9 KB)

Hi Renato -

Your planar surface only partially intersects the pipe. You need to make sure that the intersection is complete.


Wow and thanks! I thought that a plan was with out limit (infinity). Maybe the solid difference component trasform the plan in to a brep, is it correct?
I’ve told that I’m a beginner!

Hi Renato -

Yes, that’s correct.
You can check that by hovering the mouse over the A-input of that component:


Hi Wim,
Is it possile to center the new brep on the the center of the plan?

I would like to cut the vertical profiles as the angle of the (18.9 KB)



Hi Renato -

You could find the center of the new brep and use that to create a vector to move the brep with, yes.

This new file of yours is using plug-ins that I don’t have:

When you upload Grasshopper definitions, please always list the 3rd party plug-ins that are used so that people know if they will be able to help you or not. The best, of course, if you need help from others, is to only use default component.

At any rate, I modified your file a bit so that it finds the intersection between the brep and the original plane and uses that to create a new surface to split the brep with. Perhaps that help… (9.5 KB)

Hi Wim and sorry for the 3rd plug-ins installed, I didn’t know.
Thanks for your advice and your definition, I’ll try to finish my work and I keep you update.

Have you a good week.


Hi Wim,

Just because I’m curious:

  1. why do you have use the boundary+untrim component?
  2. Why do you have use the relay?



Hi Renato -

I needed a surface and had a curve so I used the Boundary Surfaces component to make that surface. Because of tolerances, it’s always best to have surfaces that intersect each other with a good margin, and using the Untrim component made sure of that.

That doesn’t serve a purpose other than esthetics. It keeps the wires from crossing other wires and components and, in my view, makes it easier to read a definition.