Sofa Modeling

Niloofar go to CG Arena and you may find an old Sofa tutorial you can watch for 3ds max. I think the author’s name is Mahfouz Keshta perhaps. Right now I cannot remember the process. With rhino 7 and subdivision surfaces you should maybe be able to accomplish it, or maybe t-splines. I have windows 7 so I cannot run rhino 7. I also modeled this sofa in blender3d. Good luck.

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TSplines users who haven’t been playing with Rhino WIP 7 ought to jump on it ASAP. The native SubD abilities are coming along as shown:

3DM file to examine: (opens only in Rhino 7 WIP)
WIP7SubDCushion.3dm (673.3 KB)

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Thank you so much .I intend to focus on furniture modelling and I have found that there is not much about it with details . I really appreciate your kind help .

unrelated to rhino, but have you seen the interactive fabric brushes in zbrush?

use the best tool for the ob I say…

base mesh in rhino, detail in ZB… just happens to be a great workflow.

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Thank you I will definitely take a look .

I just saw the demo it was amazing .Thanks alot.

yep… cool stuff… it’s all polygons…

BUT you can export it from zbrush as an obj or stl (use their very good decimator) , then quadremesh it, then tosubd it then tonurbs it and you’d have a nurbs object!

a very dense Nurbs Object, but a Nurbs Object nonetheless.

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Thank you .It seems a good trick .I would ask if any questions came up if that is ok .

that’s what we are here for…

Thank you so much.

For fun, I used this week RHino 7 WIP to convert this to NURBS. Looks good with not many edges:


sofa king awesome!

Thanks for the help. I have a little problem. My surface isn’t correct.

How can i solve this? And how can i do this seams? Sem Título

Thank’s Marc
very nice tutorials~ :heart_eyes:

I frequently have to model these kind of seams on upholstery.
The way to go is to have multiple parallel edge loops where the seam is located (good planning of topology needed) and then move one edgeloop in normal direction to the inside

(the screenshot is T-splines, but the same applies to SubD in Rhino 7)

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I have not used t-splines or rhino for a while. Is there a bevel or split edge feature. Then maybe extrude.

or chamfer