Snapshots and CPlanes Issue

Hello all,

Been playing with snapshots for the first time in anger and the restoring of cplanes is just not working for me.

As you can see in the images, I have a set of back to back clipping planes in various named positions and that part of snapshots works fine.

But the CPlanes will sometimes change once with a snapshot restore, but never again.

What am I doing wrong?






The attached simple file shows the problem. There are 2 extra NamedCPlanes, and 3 Snapshots.

Snapshot 1 is set to restore World Top CPlane.
Snapshot 2 is set to restore CPlane 01
Snapshot 3 is set to restore CPlane 02

If I manually set either of the custom CPlanes, they work.
If I then set Snapshot 01, it works, setting back to default World Top CPlane.
If I try to set Snapshot 02 or 03, nothing happens.

Does anyone have any advice about what is going on? Something is working as expected because World Top gets restored as expected. Why isn’t the same happening for the custom CPlanes? Have I misinterpreted Construction Plane in Snapshot window to mean NamedCPlanes?

(And now I can’t even find Snapshot in the help file with search.)

Snapshots.3dm (128.8 KB)

Hi Nick - I’ll see if I can tell what is happening.


With more investigation, it appears as though the issue is with NamedCPlanes. If the CPlane is saved with a name, Snapshots does not handle it. If the Snapshot is saved without naming a new CPlane, then it does seem to work as expected.

There’s other weirdness going on between naming CPlanes through the tab or through the button and command line. Haven’t got my head around that yet.

Hi Nick - I reset the snapshots with the named cplanes - it seems to work so far - does this file work for you?

SnapshotsPG.3dm (131.2 KB)


Hi Pascal, that works perfectly. I will go back to see what I’m doing wrong.

If I ignore naming the CPlane, Snapshots works as expected with CPlanes.

Once I start naming CPlanes things go haywire. One example is restoring a Snapshot with its new CPlane (all good), then save the Snapshot CPlane to a NamedCPlane it saves a World Top CPlane, not the one saved in the Snapshot.

All the NamedCplanes with “a” appended were saved from the correspondingly named Snapshot, and they all revert to World Top incorrectly (imo).

All the Snapshots with (cplane named first) were created with NamedCplanes (with correct correlation by number), and are not working as expected. They all now revert to CPlane 04.

All the Snapshots with (cmd line cplane) were created from NamedCPlanes that were created through the button/command line. These Snapshots and NamedCPlanes all appear to work as expected.

Something is still not right, and I suspect it has to do with the Named CPlanes tab. Is there some trick with highlighting NamedCPlanes in that panel that I’m not doing correctly?

Snapshot CPlanes.3dm (139.0 KB)

Hi Nick - here, there are four snapshots that first get the right cplane and then revert. All of the other eight do what I expect. Can you give me the exact steps, for five-year-olds, to get to the state of the middle four, that bounce back?


Snapshots 3.3dm (138.0 KB)
The attached file is completely bonkers. These were the steps. This method has been repeated twice and produces the same incorrect behaviour.

  1. Create new file from Large - Millimeter template.
  2. Maximise Perspective viewport
  3. Create box
  4. Create 8 NamedCPlanes at each corner of the box.
    (Use the Named CPlanes tab. Move the CPlane with the Move CPlane Origin button in toolbar.)
  5. Save file
  6. Check Named CPlanes are correct. Cycle through them.
  7. Create 8 Snapshots for each Named CPlane.
    (Restore the CPlane (double-click), switch to Snapshots tab and save the Snapshot, include Camera and Construction Plane tick boxes, manually incrementing the default name. Repeat for all manually created Named CPlanes.)
  8. Save file
  9. None of the snapshots restore to the correct CPlane. They all keep the last created CPlane. (Well the last one is correct.)


Edit - Just repeated it again with the above method. Basically treat it as if you are creating a bulk set of NamedCPlanes then a bulk set of Snapshots with each CPlane. The individual step that is causing the problem still eludes me.

Edit 2 - Clarifying some steps.

Thanks, I’ll test.
@Ncik - the problem is the setting in Options > View for ‘Named view sets CPlane’…

I’ll see if that can be ignored in snapshots.
RH-67338 Snapshots: Named view Cplane conflict
Thanks for finding this.


Thanks for persisting with me Pascal.

I don’t use named views so will turn that setting off.

Edit - Turning that setting off doesn’t appear to change the behaviour I’m seeing.

Hm I’ll poke some more.
