Hello everyone, I am trying to smoothly shake in X direction (both sides) those curves control points in order to look like a wood branch barrier. I tried doing with jitter but didn’t had sucess, so i tried doing it with graph mapper, but the points was too obvious (need more randomness on them).scrble ctrlpnts.gh (14.5 KB)
Hi Kim, many thanks! That is exactly what i wanted. Could you give a brief explanation of the tree statistics component to lead the randomness?
Try it! You’ll like it. Use TEMPORARY text panels to view and understand the output of components.
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is there a way so I can move at the Y direction while moving X direction at the same time?
Yes, simply repeat the part of @HS_Kim’s definition above that’s highlighted in violet for the Y-axis.
Then at the end, simply add both resulting vectors together and use the new vector for the movement.