Hi, Is it possible to create a form of extrusion that is seamless? Currently it is very blocky, I would like to be able to smooth the extrusions, to create a wave of sorts.
Thank you
Hi, Is it possible to create a form of extrusion that is seamless? Currently it is very blocky, I would like to be able to smooth the extrusions, to create a wave of sorts.
Thank you
Yes it is possible
No it isn’t possible
Very hard to say with a screen capture
My apologies, I realised that my script was not seen, currently I took the surfaces on the individual arcs and extruded them up uniformly. I would like to be able to extrude them like a way as shown in the rough drawing beside.
Thank you
It’s hard to help with only a screen capture of the script, so maybe you should upload it.
Iteration 1.gh (63.8 KB)
Hi, this is the file I am working on.
Find attached maybe a possible solution - or do you want to fillet the curve you drew in your screencapture?
And maybe keep in mind that you still have duplicate points/extrusions despite the culling.
Iteration 2.gh (75.6 KB)
Thank you but yes I was hoping to fillet it
This one is able to fillet, but there are mistakes in my logic, therefore I used sort along curve to get the points into the right order again.Iteration 3.gh (79.3 KB)
Fixed the mistakes in my logic.
Iteration 4.gh (76.6 KB)
Thank you., I got what I wanted