SmartTrack Inaccurary?

I’ve had trouble with SmartTrack recently in a way I haven’t seen before. When using it for perpendicular lines (specifically horizontal lines), it just can’t seem to do it. This error is confusing and does not occur with all geometry, but it seems to happen most of the time. I’ve attached my file and a short video showing the inaccuracy. Mind you, the entire time, I am holding down shift, which is indicated in the recording with the ortho lines, and it prompts me saying that my snap is perpendicular. Additionally, the rectangles I’m referencing are perfectly orthogonal, so I don’t know how the SmartTrack messes up so badly and where it’s getting these odd angles. Any help is great!

Rhino 8 SR11 (8.11.24254.15001, 2024-09-10)

SmartTrack Inaccuracy.3dm (2.4 MB)

hi @Dane_Sosna
I could not reproduce the behavior you are showing in the provided sample file. Can you reproduce the same issue in the sample file you sent?
Pls run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results.

I was able to replicate the bug using the file I attached. It’s confusing that it seems to only appear on my machine. And like before, horizontal accuracy was a problem, but vertical accuracy was not. Thanks for looking into this.

SystemInfoDane.txt (2.5 KB)

If you turn off Grid Snap you’ll get also expected result for the horizontal lines.

@Gijs, not sure if that is to be expected, but somehow the Grid Snap feature throws the SmartTrack off tracks

Thank you! This was the problem.

I must be missing something, still cannot reproduce it on my end… but very curious now.
Edit: darn, the details, I did not use perp, only int.

Obviously this is a bug that needs to be fixed, I’ll write this up shortly.

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