Smaller then

I need the numbers smaller then or equal to the 7.3 value. What am I doing wrong with this one?smaller (93.3 KB)smaller then

All the numbers are smaller than or equal to the largest value! Maybe you want to compare to the average instead? (156.7 KB) (156.8 KB)

The average wont work. I need everything from the list dispatched that is or 7.3 (the highest value) or is lower then this value. I tried it with equality but for some reason this doesn’t give the correct bool.

All the numbers are smaller than or equal to the largest value (7.3) so what you are asking doesn’t make sense to me.

The value of 7.3 is the “normal”. Everything different then this should be dispatched. So in the end I will have two lists. One is with all the 7.3’s and one with everything that isn’t 7.3. A = B, 7.3 = 7.3 = true, 7.3 = 4.1 = (94.9 KB) Tried with equality but this doesn’t seem to work.

So you want isEqual within tolerance, a cluster I wrote awhile back. (159.6 KB)

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This will do the trick. Thanks again!

You can also use Similarity component: (88.6 KB)

Similar apparently didn’t exist in R5 when I made that isEqual cluster:

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