Slow Prototyping an Audio Recording Device

Hi all,

Attached is documentation for a project I did that used Rhino, Grasshopper and lots of laser cutting.

The goal was to create a handheld audio recording device for use in recording the interactions between children at play.

Hope you enjoy!



Slow Prototyping an Audio Recording Device-1.pdf


Thanks for sharing this Carlo. Great documentation as always.


Nice project, your details of the process are excellent! I’m curious what the recordings sound like.

The SectionTools plugin might be of interest if you make anything similar in the future.

Very cool. Nicely documented.

Hey, thank everyone for the comments!

Brian, I’m also curious what the recordings sound like. The device was intended to be used in a motion capture system, so audio and maybe even video or motion of some sort might be available. I thought Section Tools was only for previewing. I’ll have to check it out…
