Skip the SafeLayout plugin in Rhino 8

Food4Rhino has a plugin for Rhino 7 called SafeLayout.
This plugin decouples model and layout layers visibility and was very useful for Rhino 7.

However, Rhino 8 has this functionality built in.
Since this is functionality that is already native to Rhino 8, and since it slows down Layer panel management quite significantly, it should be disabled if you have loaded it.

  1. In Rhino 8, Model space has its own visibility with the layer Model On / Off state.
    On the layouts, the layer visibility relies on the Layout or in the Detail visibility settings.
    When you return to model space, your Model On/Off states are maintained and used to display only the parts of the model that you want to view, edit and print from the model viewport.
    The Model On / Off layer state does not affect the Layout or Detail layer visibility.

  2. In Rhino 8, you can by default add a detail with the layer already turned off in the Detail. This setting is call New Detail On. If it is set to Off, a new details will have this layer turned off by default.

  3. Finally, if you add a layer you can turn it off or on in all details on the current sheet or off or on in all details in all layouts. To access this option on the menu, you need to make the detail active and right click over the Detail On light bulb icon to access the menu options.

So in Rhino 8, your Model and Layout layer visibility is independent however, when necessary you still have the Global On/Off to ensure that certain information is not displayer or print either on a model viewport or on a layout.

In Rhino 8, you are able to be set Model and Layout layers visibility independently without an addon.

Hope this helps.
Mary Ann Fugier