Sketch and planar?

Over here Sketch does not seem to be respecting the Planar option. If I start sketch, have Planar on, OSnap the start of my Sketch curve to something off of the CPlane Z, then turn continue to draw (with or without turning OSnaps off), the rest of the sketch curve will be at CPlane 0 instead of the first OSnap pick. What I would expect is the same behavior as other curve tools where if Planar is on, the rest of the curve stays at the same Z value unless snapped to something else.


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Yep, I see that, thanks.


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V5 and the WIP are both doing it.
Sketch in V4 ignores the Planar setting as well.

The Sketch command has a Planar option probably for this very reason.

Wow- you looked at the command line - well done. But what a weird implementation… ?


Mikko probably has a reasonable explanation.

Indeed, the in command planar command line option does the trick, I just missed it. It does feel like a strange implementation.


Yeah- outside of testing, I think I’ve used this command for real… nearly once.


It’s great for rubble and cracks (changeDegree to 1 for glass). Works like a charm :wink: