Simplify Tree doesn't work for single branch, only for multiple branches

Who can explain this behavior of the Simply Tree component. It works as expected when I have 2 or more branches and flattens each branch to {0} structure. But when I have one branch it ingores it, and the original branch is maintained.

I can fix it with ‘Surify’ node, but still want to understand why (387.4 KB)

“Simplify Tree” does not work with a single branch - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum

Use flatten for single branch.

I assume “flatten” is not the intended method and it would reset the whole data tree.

I also faced the same issue and used stream filter based on the branch count. Though it’s just a workaround I implemented for a time being, I think it will become highly cumbersome to use the same stream filter all over the places in a large complex code.

Found out surify in my gh and wondering if it’s a native component?

it is, and it’s one of those components you never know it exists when you need it most. I prefer to use it over simplify. Although a good habit it to make use of the data structure and don’t make use of simplify / flatten just for 'data tree aesthetics ’

david explained it here:

Smart PShift” cluster.

It occurred to me later that I forgot to include an ‘O’ (Offset) input…