Simple Wind Analysis Problem : Probing


I have seen that some topics are already about mine bellow, but with no real solution in, or the link wich were showing some help are no longer avaiable.
(Simple wind analysis Eddy3d ; or a little bit in this one too : About Eddy)
I have run the template “Simple Wind Analysis” and the following message appear : “Parsing of the probes failed. This data does not exist yet. Please run the probing component.”
I have also tested to make my own simple geometry and a Grasshopper model copied from the template, and the error was the same again.
In mine I have aslo test to replace the “Button” By Boolean Toggle set on “True” and it also not working.
The files are well created in the Directory.
I have not great qualifications with ParaView, but my Mesh look quite good in.
I am runnig with Rhino 6, my BlueCFD is the BlueCFD core 2017 placed at C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017 like it is recommended

And the problem is also the same when I run the Annual Outdoor Comfort template.

Do you know how it can be solved ?
My Geometry.3dm (590.6 KB)
My Wind (15.7 KB)

“Simple Wind Analysis” is an oxymoron, isn’t it? Hard to believe there is anything simple about it.

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Eddy always have problems, better not use it.

I recently started working with Eddy3D sims, primarily to understand how to work with wind. I’m trying to simulate wind patterns and velocities for different twist angles of an apartment tower, and determine best angle based on the output. It works but I’m wondering how to quantify the data in order to analyse velocity reduction, drag etc. for each twist angle. I tried mass addition of velocity vector length (which I thought could be compared to see how much reduction has happened with each angle) but there seems to be some error, some vectors have a magnitude “1.732e+300” which messes up the logic. Could you please help me with this? I used Simple Wind Analysis template.

Hi @sukanyabalaji ,

You seem to have rather complex goals, I would need more context to help.

I tried mass addition of velocity vector length (which I thought could be compared to see how much reduction has happened with each angle) but there seems to be some error, some vectors have a magnitude “1.732e+300” which messes up the logic.

Whenever you probe outside the simulation domain, you might encounter values of “1.732e+300”. This is OpenFOAM behavior and has nothing to do with Eddy3D. You can simply filter or cull them in Grasshopper to avoid the issue.

Generally, I would suggest watching all tutorials here if you haven’t yet.



Hi @FelixGrezaud ,

Your geometry is very simple, and it should be no problem at all to run this with Eddy3D.

I have run the template “Simple Wind Analysis” and the following message appear : “Parsing of the probes failed. This data does not exist yet. Please run the probing component.”

This tells me that you did not run the template step-by-step, otherwise you would not see this error.

Please check out the tutorials here if you haven’t yet.

