i am very new to Rhino/GH and have some problems finding functions. The software is so complex , and the tutorials also ^^.
I can create a Gyriod and bake a Mesh and then transform the mesh to “NUBR mesh” , so i can export it as an STEP file. I want so run a CFD Simulation for a research porject.
Fine. But now, there are so many corners and edges, i have way to many cells.
Reduce Polygonnumber would work wenn you habe simple geometrys, but not for a Gyroid. If i reduce to 90%, there is nothing left of a gyroid ^^.
Now my question, is there a function that can make my NubrMesh smoother and wir some kind of curved lines/splines so i can reduce the number of Mesh-elements ?
I believe you can turn a polysurface into mesh, then to use the command “ToSubd” to make the mesh a Sub-d surface, then command “ToNurbs” to make it a smooth nurbs surface. You can try it out.
*the “ToSubd” command is kinda hidden in Rhino 6 so it won’t pop up even when you type it in command section, just click “enter” and it will allow you to select a mesh to be transformed into Sub-d
If i export the Gyroid without using “toNurbs” i can’t import it in ma CAD-System (inventor) to work with it (for the CFD Simulation). Thats why i allways need to “toNurbs” bevore i export.
at the first sight yes. But how i said, i have to create some inlets and outlets and walls to run my simualtion. and beacuse we work with inventor, i need the Nurbs to work with my Gyroid in wiventor with it.
Thank you your the YT-link. now ith more clearly for me.
now, i had downlaoded a file from an YT-Tutorial.
When i backe the geometry i dont geht immediately an Nurbs-Object, i only get a Mesh with edges and corners.
with “MeshToNubrs” i get the same edgy object, but at least i can work with it in Inventor. With a Mesh i can’t work in inventor.