Simple question on Python operators

Hello everyone,

So, in my python script, I need to check the equality of two surface areas, for some reason, it keeps telling me they’re not equal although they are when I print the area results. I think the solution is simple but I’m still a beginner in python. I also attached both the rhino and GH files and one screenshot.



Dictionary test.3dm (449.6 KB)
Dictionary (14.8 KB)

Try rounding the values returned with the area method. There may be a difference 10 decimal places in, far beyond what’s practical. If you round to 3 or 4 decimal places you may find it works.

Thank you! Now it’s working perfectly!

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Or even better use the math.isclose() function, setting your desired tolerance to avoid very close values rounding apart.

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Good to know. Thanks for that tip.

I don’t think that was added till Python 3. One could use Rhino.RhinoMath.EpsilonEquals in GHPython though, which also has equivalent methods for comparing e.g. points, vectors, and lines.