Shutlines does not move with the object in NamedPositions

Shutlines does not move with the object if NamedPositions are used in Rhino 8 SR7. Test: Create a ClosedPolySurface and project a curve on one or multiple faces of the ClosedPolySurface. Add the projected line(s) as ShutLines to the properties of the ClosedPolySurface and save the position of the ClosedPolySurface (and NOT the lines) using NamedPositions. Call the position A. Now move and/or rotate the ClosedPolySurface to a new position and save the position as B. Repeat and save new positions as C, D, E and so on. Expectation. Since the Shutlines are added as a property of the ClosedPolySurface, they are expected to move and rotate with the object they are “connected to” when NamedPositions are used.
Fact: Shutlines does not currently move with the object if NamedPositions are used in Rhino 8 SR7.

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I can repeat this in Rhino 7 SR37. Is it intended or unintended (a bug)?