Shrink trimmed surface "already shrunk"?

Anyone know why I would get this response?

The surface is clearly not shrunk if you look at the hull. I’m trying to get rid of a naked edge I get when I join.

trimshrink.3dm (62.9 KB)

What makes you think that?

Because if it was shrunk, it would look like this, wouldn’t it:

At least I hope that’s what shrink means (I even tried “shrinktotrimmededge” but I got the same error).

What I’m looking for is essentially the Rhino equivalent to what’s called “trim convert” in Alias, which converts a trimmed surface to an untrimmed surface, while keeping it’s edges intact.

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this is what the v7 testTrimRefit should do, but somehow it doesn’t work on this surface @pascal

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btw: extending the two surfaces that have the naked edge and retrimming will solve this issue

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Based on the video below I think the command is supposed to behave as you see it. It will only shrink in the u and / or v direction, it won’t morph the control points to fit your geometry



Thanks for the info. That v7 command is probably what I thought shrink was.

The extend & trim is the first thing I tried, but I couldn’t get it to work on those surfaces either.

first untrim the edges, then extend, then trim again

Yes. If you have time, you could try it on the example file I posted.

I had to jump through some hoops in order to get it to work, but I think the reason is that the surfaces don’t exactly end at the same height.

I did but did not post the file back since it is so easy to do according to what I described. But apparently this is not the case? Attached is the result of it joined without naked edges at the surface seams
trimshrink_fixed.3dm (93.7 KB)

Oh my god. I forgot to extend (in the appropriate/obvious direction).

Sorry about that!

Thank you for taking your time. :slight_smile:


@Pascal has there been any additional development on testTrimRefit?

I just tried the latest WIP on the example file I posted, and as @Gijs said it still seems to fail on it (even after I merge edges).

Again, similar to this feature, there seems to be far too many clicks associated with the function. It should:

  • Automatically merge all edges (and fail the command if it fails to merge).
  • Automatically refit and shrink all edges (and warn the user if it failed to do so).
  • Optionally allow/disallow rebuilding/refitting in order to conform to the previously trimmed edge.

If you want a tool that only refits a single edge, perhaps you could put the above functionality in a separate tool that walks through all four edges for you?

I don’t want Rhino to add to my RSI more than necessary. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@eobet: the original model you posted fails with trimrefit because of this at the upper corner:

Damnit, missed that.

However, I still can’t get it to work, even after duplicate/extend/untrim/trim/testTrimRefit…

And the command line doesn’t give me an error either. What am I not seeing this time?

not sure without seeing the model, but if you did exactly this:

you’d end up with the same small corner

OH MY GOD, I get it now!

Why the heck can’t Rhino functions say what the problem is instead of just failing silently???
