Show gumball on selected objects


Anyone knows how to show the Rhino gumball after select the objects by code like that:
RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Select(objIdList, true);

Thanks and regards!


Have you checked this example?

Thanks but this example is for a custom gumball, I would like to select and object by code and show up the Rhino Gumball.


Hi @Harper,

You might just want to script the Gumball command.

– Dale

Thanks @Dale, it’s a good workaround!

Is there a way to do this in RhinoCommon yet?
My idea is that I want to save the chosen mode first before changing it so that I can revert it, once my command is finished.

To script the Gumball command? Sorry, not sure what’s being asked.

– Dale

hi @dale,

sorry, I will be more specific.
Acutally I already put my question here:

In short:
The scripted version I understand that’s fine of course.
But, let’s say what if I wanted to create multiple gumballs, attached to multiple elements.
Of course now that I read this with a bit of distance it sounds quite hard to achieve.
But maybe there’s a way.
If not, the scripted variant will do of course.
