Please start a new discussion in the Serengeti category to discuss the merits or problems with this change. It will be lost buried in the old thread.
For intergrating them into a single “Offset” command:
- it can detect if the user selected a single or multiple objects, which is an explicit enough indication of the user’s intention
- older users may not notice “OffsetMultiple” command anyway as it shows up buried in a dropdown list mangled with the other offset commands (well, I didn’t see it)
Two extra, minor issues:
The previous “Offset” command had a nice visual hint before confirming it showing how the curve is offset, while “OffsetMultiple” does not.
OffsetMultiple seems to take a second longer for some reason.
Another point to consider…
Any change like this will change the command options.
This will break all existing scripts that use these commands.
A post was split to a new topic: Offsetting