Shift+ctrl bug in v7-11 v7-12 v8 wip

jc.3dm (58.6 KB)

Rhino 8 bug

jc.3dm (58.6 KB)

I do not understand the nature of the problem… please elaborate?

Press shift first and then Ctrl. It is not successful in pure plane line

Press shift first and then Ctrl. It is not successful in pure plane line

I see that, in V6 it seems to work, in V7 not. I have never used this method to make a shape like this myself, I usually use something like Ribbon.

So far it has worked very well in v7 and it works here in 7.10.xxxx build
Scale handle + Shift afterwards Ctrl and click
NurbsCrv produces Srf object
SubDfriendlyCrv produces SubD object
And this is presented by McNeel example here by Kyle (1:20)

Test in 7.11 or 7.12…

Hello - I see this, thanks.
RH-66037 Gumball: Extrusion fails in plane
