Sharing Scripts

Hi Greenbox,

In the past I have been thinking about that issue quite a lot, I have dozens of scripts that could be useful to others and I’d be happy to share them.

There are some sites dedicated to rhino scripting yet they appear not crowded enough to thrive.

Personally I do not think why you could not post them here, just try and see if anyone gets offended.
Thinking about that a topic could be much like this:

That way searching discourse would bring up this topic, making this type of functionality available for all who query this forum:

As for licensing… like Mitch points out stealing, most likely will not be that profitable and if you state a licence type in the file; it can always be referred to in case you want to start legal actions. However IMO being annoyed about something like that is the cost of sharing. For me the joy of sharing is much greater that the possible annoyance over a petty theft. Bottom line would be to not post anything you would not want to become public property.

I’m curious what other think as well.
