Sharing Rhino Inside Scripts among team

Hi All,

I am creating some nice scripts on my project, little simple ones that automate filter colours across multiple sheets etc driven from excel tables- but at the moment- if the team members can not use grasshopper- then they need me to run them.

Are there any nice interfaces we can use, like dynamo player, where we can create a user interface within the ribbon?


You can add a scripts location, that will show on the ribbon.

There is also the Grasshopper Player, or you can use Pyrevit to create an extension with the interface you would like.

Is there a way to add script locations in the Revit.ini file or other methods to do so for other users? I want to set script locations companywide, so that users don’t have to add them on their own.

Hi @Japhy, I’m trying to install some Grasshopper Player scripts company-wide and I want to avoid users having to follow the steps to add script locations manually. Is there a way to add script locations for multiple users?

That should work. Let me verify.

Are all the installs done as a deployment? Where the programs installed for ALL USERS or is it by USERNAME?

By username. We have a system in place that allows us to replicate Grasshopper scripts on each user’s computer in a designated location. I’m wondering if we can specify the script location during the installation of RiR on each user’s computer.

Please update to the latest 1.13 release.

Placing the options.xml into this location C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhino.Inside\Revit\1.0 will grey out the users ability to set options and script location. This would be where the admin could deploy a script location.

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Awesome! I’ll try this method. Thank you, @Japhy.