Have you tried “Shaded 5” which is found here? It has some subtle shadows and uses the object colour. The top of the objects is always bright, while the bottom is average dark but not too dark, so that it will be still possible to see the geometry there.
That looks far better.
If I download the shaded5.ini can I import that into V5 or is it only suitable for V7 ?
having just had lines appearing not down middle of grid lines I am back to considering V5 .
I believe that the ini files could be used in Rhino 5, as well. However, keep in mind that the advanced shadows effects were not supported by Rhino 5, so the objects may look flatter there compared to how they appear much more volumetric in Rhino 7.
I like the tyre scene, Its improvements such as that see me try to progress with V7, despite its lousy curve displays with twisted ribbon effects and not fitting central on axes lines, thanks I am told to users wanting anti aliasing removed. (AA was one of the best basic things of PC’s giving decent curves back in early windows days !)…if you can fix V7 shaded mode and get lines SAME THICKNESS 1 pixel like in V5 with anti-aliasing, removing twisted ribbon effect and fitting central on axes (see my thread on this) , please do so.
I have downloaded and installed the shaded 5 ini file as per method on McNeel instructions for display modes into V7:-
Go to the Tools menu > Options >View > Display Modes page and click Import . Navigate to the downloaded .ini files and import. See the Advanced Display help topic under the import heading.
Hi Steve, if you like to use alternative to Rhino’s default Shaded model, I recommend the “Bobi X9” and “Shaded 5” display modes (after importing the ini files, it’s mandatory to add their respective environment maps, too). Both display models utilize the “Use advanced GPU lighting” setting.
Here is a 3d scene in Rhino 7 file format that you can use to test the custom display modes. My personal favourite is “Bobi X9” which I use 90% of the time during 3d modeling. Хора.rar (12.8 MB)
Rhino’s default Shaded (bland look, no shadows, and strong fake reflections that often times make the geometry appear uneven):
ignoring the background etc as I like to model in a light grey background with grid lines etc, the cubes didnt have the shades of grey on their surfaces as per yours, yet if the lighting was as yours, and shadows, they should match ?
I had assumed the shaded5 ini would bring in settings that worked straight off.
I see in the orthos greys on the cubes, yet all are white faces in perspective, with shadows at sides.
also the hole on the cube is not visible, I have mentioned in my desire for a more realistic V7 shaded mode, saying so before seeing the thread on shaded 5, the ability to see reality, where such a hole would have a darker interior and some shadow, which I hoped then seeing shaded 5 gave me that., i.e reality.
Hi Steve, can you post what PC are you using? Is it a laptop or PC with a secondary graphics inside the CPU, such like Intel Iris, Intel HD or similar? Sometimes this is the reason why certain effects don’t work in Rhino, because the program uses the integrated graphics of the CPU instead of the dedicated video card.
It’s nice that you get better results now. However, I’m not sure why your anti-aliasing looks so rough in Rhino 7, since your video card is great and should work perfectly in that case. Maybe it’s related to some settings in the Nvidia panel? Here is what my settings look like. Make sure that your Rhino 7 does not have dedicated settings under the “Program Settings” tab. Also, “Antialiasing - Mode” must be set to “Application-controlled”, because that will let you change the anti-aliasing directly from the Rhino options.
As for the environment maps, you should use different ones. Simply check this post and see how “Bobi X9.ini” requires the “Bobi B2.png” image, whereas “Shaded 5.ini” requires the “Shaded 5.png” image. Once you set there properly, they will look quite different in the videwport.
Thanks Julien, I’m glad someone find it nice/useful
Unfortunately, I really don’t know about performance, I wouldn’t say it’s better, probably just the same
I believe that the performance between “Shaded 5” and “Shaded 6” is comparable, because they are derived from the same settings, with some small tweaks and different environment maps. the same goes for “Bobi X3” and “Bobi X9”.
However, “Bobi 1” is the fastest one, because it will not use any shadows nor environment map. I made it for better performance with heavy 3d scenes.