Share your custom Grasshopper previews here

That’s it, exactly like the other thread, but for Grasshopper (1 and 2)

If we could have a dedicated topic where we can share our custom viewport materials and setup for Grasshopper I would really like to know what the community have build, even if it’s crazy or complicated, just show us what’s possible!

Could never figure out how to properly setup cycles previews, or get a good looking result ou of pbr materials and rendering straight out of Grasshopper, all of that is still a kind dark magic to me.

Especially since, even after 14 years of using Grasshopper professionaly, I haven’t evolved beyond the humble Custom Preview + Swatch Shader :frowning:


I think this is a question for @stevebaer or @jesterking .

You should look into ghgl plugin, I don’t have anything specific to share with you but look into it. There are some tutorials online on how to use it.

Edit: Here is a link to a forum post GhGL Shaders - a bunch of shaders to share - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum, where they explore different shaders. Not sure if this is what you were asking for, but who knows… maybe sparks some curiosity in you.

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I posted some zebra and environment map GHPython components over here that might be relevant:

Edit: Here are the example files directly: (771.8 KB) (773.4 KB)

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Yes, that’s the kind of thing I’m interessed on, in different ways that people had applied an interesting visual to a working grasshopper defninition.
I didn’t knew about that plugin, thanks

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