ShapeDiver - Shapeways Bridge: Beta available


ShapeDiver GmbH is excited to introduce the ShapeDiver - Shapeways Bridge: an integration of the world-famous 3D printing marketplace into their platform.

In a few clicks, users will be able to configure 3D models on a ShapeDiver viewer and seamlessly order the finished product as 3D printed objects via Shapeways. This is a bridge between your parametric designs and the whole world.

The ShapeDiver-Shapeways Bridge was conceived as the fastest, most efficient way for designers to bring their products to the market.

Read more about it here…
ShapeDiver on food4Rhino…

ShapeDiver is a web service for publishing parametric 3D data. It lets you publish your Grasshopper definitions on the web. Your model and all its parameters will be displayed in the browser and can be embedded on your web site, blog, or web shop.

ShapeDiver is run by ShapeDiver GmbH, a limited liability company registered in Vienna, Austria. Alexander Schiftner, Mathias Höbinger, and Mathieu Huard founded it in 2015.

Posted Aug 09, 2017 by Elena Caneva on Rhino News, etc.

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