Shapediver - select object and adjust parameters in viewer

I have between 0 and 50 objects that need user inputs: bottom height, height and that need to be adjusted: position x, position y, scale in xy. There will also be other geometries to adapt, so in a normal situation, I would need at least 60 inputs and nobody is going to use a tool like that. If If I set default values and only change the deviations, that would make it well-organised.

With Gumball I could select the object to change and it could handle pos x, pos y, probably not z, because i need more precision there, so a nr input will be necessary. But Gumball doesn’t work in the viewer.

I have tried to build something along the line of the Gumball imput tutorial (Gumball Input), without Gumball, with text input. To start simple, I started by just adjusting bottom and height.

Workflow: A few meshes, set default values bottom, height, select number of a mesh through text input, see what the parameter values are at that moment, adjust parameters, select new or already changed number of mesh, etc.

The problems:
The changed transformations will not stick to the geometry it is meant for. It needs something like a memory.
When a new opening number is selected, It should keep the transformations until the user changes them.
The viewer should give feedback on those measurements.

Is this even possible (with grasshopper skills, but without developer knowledge)?
adjust geo through (29.5 KB)

The Gumball Inputs are only available in Apps at the moment, not directly in the model view page of the platform. You need to click on the “Open App” link above your model to open it there:

I invite you to reconsider using the Gumball Input in light of this information, as I believe it can help you achieve everything you need for your workflow. In case you are struggling with your definition, or have more questions in general, I invite you to join the community catchup tomorrow: Calendly - Mathieu Huard

We can review your example and find the best way to solve any remaining issues.

Thanks, I’ll join. I’ll try rework my GH-script to include Gumball before the catchup.