ShapeDiver Backend Viewer vs API v.3.0+

I’m using Rhino 7 and have started implementing Viewer 3.0+ locally. How my file renders in v.3.1 vs the ShapeDiver backend viewer (account > my models) is very different.

Is this related to the different Viewer versions (my ShapeDiver backend Viewer version is 2.12.10). How can I address this discrepancy and get the two scenes to look the same?


Hello @winston,

could you explain exactly what you mean with the “backend viewer”?
Also, could you attach some screenshots that show the different representation?

Cheers, Michael

Hi Michael,

True, “backend viewer” isn’t very clear. I’m referring to the viewer that loads when I’m logged into my ShapeDiver account and editing a model accessed via the link within the My Models section under Library.


ShapeDiver (v.2.12.10):

Local (v.3.1.0):


I can see that the Viewport object has the light setting(s) and correct advanced render settings (physically correct light, tone mapping…) set.

I’m getting the following console warnings:

THREE.WebGLRenderer: The property .useLegacyLights has been deprecated. Migrate your lighting according to the following guide: or paste code here
THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log: C:\fakepath(87,1-6): warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable (dyn_index_vec4_float4_int)

Hello @winston,

could you share a link to your model so that I can try it out? You can send it to me via PM!

Cheers, Michael

Hello @winston,

thank you for sending over the model via PM.
It seems like there is an issue with the library that we use for the post-processing, we reported an issue there.

There are now two things you can do to solve this until then, you can choose which one solves your issue in a better way:

  • Set the Tone Mapping Exposure setting to 1 and adjust the Ambient Light Intensity accordingly (I think a value around 0.35 fits well)
  • Disable any post-processing effects.

Cheers, Michael

Thanks Michael.

I’ve tested both options and they are both appropriate solutions to the problem. Greatly appreciated!