Several questions about evolutionary solvers (Galapagos+Wallacei)

Good evening, I have several questions concerning multi-goal-optimization. I´m trying to optimize a (kind of) complex problem with galapagos/wallacei/goat/etc. The definition attached is a very simplified version of my optimization problem that is sufficient to explain the problem:

Goal 1: Maximizing the area of a polygon (named A) that is contained in another (bigger) polygon (named B)
Goal 2: Minimizing the overlap/collision of a polygon (that is an offset of polygon A) with polygon B

In other words: The area of the inner polygon (A) has to be maximized while staying away from the outer polygon B (by a certain distance).

A solution very close to the optimum would look like this:

Obviously, the optimum can very easily be calculated by simply offsetting the outter polygon B by a certain distance to get the maximized (inner) polygon A. Like I`ve said my actual problem is more complex where the offset-distance will vary from point to point. So for now I want to stick with the solver-approach. My questions:

  1. Galapagos: Even though my optimization problem is very simple it takes galapagos 5+ minutes to get near the optimum not even reaching it. It seems to stick with a local optimum. What´s wrong with my definition? Galapagos actual just needs to “push” the inner polygon outwards until the offset “touches” the outer polygon?! Is my fitness-function set up correctly? That´s the solution galapagos sticks with:

  1. Ive realised that galapagos needs way less time if I "preset" the genome-sliders in a way that is somewhere close to the optimum. This way galapagos even finds the optimum. So instead of sending galapagos "in-to-the-blue" I can give it a hint where to go. Like a "initial population". Im just wondering why galapagos depends on this for such a simple task.

  2. Wallacei doesn´t seem to take the initial genome-state into account. Can I give wallacei a hint where to start optimizing from?!

Thanks in advance! (14.3 KB)

The first generation created by Wallacei is always a random one, you cannot preset the first generation (not in the latest release atleast).