Setting the viewport to perspective changes the projection too

I hope this is not intentional:

Hi Dan,

It definitely is, according to the documentation (this is from V7):

Sets the active view (camera, target, etc.) to one of Rhino’s pre-defined view orientations (Back, Bottom, Front, Left, Right, Top, and Perspective). Also, the view’s projection is modified to match the pre-defined view orientation. [My italics]


Sorry, should have said, to set the viewport projection to parallel add the line

-ViewportProperties Projection Parallel

to the macro.


There’s probably a few V7 aliases that will need to be tweaked for V8.



Hi Dan -

I tested SetView World Perspective on Rhino 6 yesterday and that seemed to behave the same way as it does on Rhino 8. What am I missing?

Hi Wim,

It’s an option that was on in the WIP that I always have off.


I went through all of the options in the WIP with V7 open for comparison. I think the real issue here might be that the options aren’t sticking. I’ve gone back numerous times now and reset the selection colour, background colour, etc. This must be another setting that didn’t stick.


Hi Dan -

Thanks for finding that. I wouldn’t have linked this to a named view option and reckon that the paragraph that Jeremy refered to should reflect that - DOC-320 RH Help: SetView - Projection note

Please keep an eye on this. I’m not surprised that colors get changed between those WIP versions as that is something that is actively being worked on. That named view setting, on the other hand…