SetObjDisplayMode is disabled by default for Va View Modes

By default its enabled in the stock Rhino view modes, but disabled by default in Va View Modes. Is this because it would slow Rhino down if its activated?

Hi @djhg,

What do you mean? This is a command used to change the display mode of a specific object, so, by default, it is set as “UseView” to follow the view’s display mode.

It can be enabled in Options in a checkbox found in Other Settings for a View Mode. This is unchecked in all my Va View Modes, but checked in all my Rhino View Modes.

I guess you mean this option:

It is not enabled, but I still can use the SetObjDisplayMode command even if I am using a VisualARQ display mode. Why do you need to have this option enabled?

Yes but if we want to set an object’s display mode to a Va mode we have to have that checkmark enabled. (At least on my system that’s required.) I want to stay vigilant about what can slow down the programme so I wondered why the default with Va Modes – unlike with Rhino Modes – is to have that box unchecked.

I don’t need to have this option checked to use the SetObjDisplayMode command, but I’ll study this to figure out if it is necessary.

Actually, I noticed that SetObjDisplayMode hasn’t been working in some of our workflows recently. But now that I try it again, it appears to be working. Worth keeping an eye on at least.

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To be clear: the command seems to work within a va view mode, to assign to a different view mode (as long as that box is checked in the view mode to be assigned.) But for a Viewmode to be listed in the commands list of possible view modes to assign to the individual object, that box must be checked in the target View mode. I think this is universal for Rhino. So because VaView Modes have that box unchecked by default, they don’t show up as an option in the command unless the user has checked the box. I wondered if the option was disabled on purpose, and I take it that it is not.

Hi @djhg,

Okk, now I understand the problem. I was thinking it the other way around all the time. Yes, I think you are right, this option should be enabled by default. Thanks!

Hi again @djhg,

We have been discussing this issue internally and it looks like our display modes require some pre-processing that cannot be done on a viewport with a different display mode; that’s why we have this option disabled.

I have found that if the option is enabled, setobjdisplaymode works. However I have found in recent projects that va display modes become wireframe between sessions. This has not otherwise been a problem for a few months. Perhaps there’s a connection.