Can anyone tell me if there is a script/plugin that i can use to apply a sequential number per single mouse click or Similar?
Hi James - do you need the incrementing numbers to remember where they left off, or should it start from scratch every time?
Here’s a Python script that should be more or less correct… (823 Bytes)
Hi Pascal, thank you for your speedy reply……remembering where they left off would be very useful but not essential, also would it be possible to put a # before each number?
James Elliott
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Hi James - I added #… the script remembers, but allows you to reset (command line) as needed. (827 Bytes)
Thank you
@Marbleman, I suppose it would be more polite to tell you what the current number is before you click - tuned up here. (904 Bytes)
Thank you, this is very helpful.
Is there anyway to make it lock the numbers physical sizes to the drawing? So that it stays with each component/part?
Hi James - I am not sure what you mean. exactly - what is the goal ultimately, for these?
I am a marble mason and I often make complicated rooms where all of the veins in the marble need to run in a certain direction. I use a combination of MoI, Rhino for Mac and Onshape. I tend to carry all of my design work in MoI with the exception of filleting that I do in Onshape. All of the technical drawings I produce in Rhino for Mac. When doing these drawings I need to add a number to each piece so the I can locate on a spreadsheet. Some of the pieces are very small as on RichardIII tomb there is a Pietra Dura shield that has the lions ear hole at less than 1mm x 1mm and the main stone is 2104 x 992 x 540. At the moment after producing the drawing I hand number the drawing, but it looks very unprofessional! If you are interested please view my website
I hope this explains how I work and why this would be very helpful.
James Elliott
07778 601201
Hi James - impressive context & design! thanks for that. My question was more about the use of the numbers and what you mean by-
The dots can be grouped with specific objects- the script could have you choose objects rather than points and automatically group them, the dots could be Text and not dots, the script could dump a csv file etc etc. So, rather than go at this as a sort of arms race, upping the ante bit by bit, it would be good to know what the ideal outcome would be from the start… if you see what I mean, even if we cannot do it all.
Anyway, since I am fussing, here’s a version that lets you start counting at any number you like, not just zero. (1.3 KB)
Hi Pascal - I attach some images to help me explain. In the first image I am zoomed on on the area that I am working on, all is well. In the second I have zoomed out partly, everything still makes sense. In 3 when I need to see the whole drawing the numbers obliterate it. what would be good would be to be able to lock the number size proportionately to the size of the face of the solid! I hope this now makes more sense, thank you for all of your help
Got it, so, you need text and not dots, I thought that might be it. It is easy enough to tune up, but it will add UI complexity for text font and size etc. For an immediate fix for what you’ve got already, use
ConvertDots > Output=Text
with DeleteInput=Yes.
Thank you, this is exactly what I am after, would you be able to tune up the script for me?
Hi Marbleman - see how this works - getting fancy now… (3.7 KB)
Note I changed Reset to ‘Start with’ rather than ‘Start after’.
@jeff_hammond - does the StringBox functio work ok, for the prefix/suffix on Rhino for Mac? Working in Windows here…
yep… everything in the UI box works properly… here’s how it looks on mac:
nice job… i might have to borrow some of that code
OK, good ,thanks- yeah, help yourself to the code- that’s what it’s there for. I guess the next thing would be some settings for the text output- height and so on. Right now I guess it will use whatever the Text command is currently using. Also, I don’t know if a StringBox or GetString is better- I sort of prefer StringBox because you do not need to worry about any spaces in the string but that may be moot in this context most of the time.
Also, Undo would be nice- that should not be too hard I think, I’ll take a look.
@Marbleman, @jeff_hammond, I added Undo. (4.1 KB)
Thank you, this works well, I will try it out on my next job…
i wonder if it’s possible to have undo see cmd-Z ?
like Polyline has undo as a command line option but also knows cmmd-Z.
(simply curious is all… i don’t have an immediate need for it)
Hi Jeff- if it is possible, I have no idea how to do it- this is not using any underlying Rhino Undo, it’s just a hack within the command itself.
oh… @jeff_hammond, on Windows it just works…
i thought that was supposed to be a mac thing
; )