Selection Menu on-screen position

Since installing V5 on my new PC, the selection menu resolutely refuses to pop up adjacent to my cursor. It always appears at centre screen. That’s tedious.

Is there a setting I’ve missed that controls this behaviour?

Hi, check to see if “follow cursor” somehow got unchecked in Options>Selection Menu…

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Makes no difference. I tried unchecking/rechecking it to see if it hadn’t stuck, but to no avail.

Could it be something to do with AMD drivers and dual screens?

I doubt it is AMD or dual screens, what type of mouse are you using? Any customized settings for the mouse? Do you use any dual screen software? (Ultramon, Display Fusion, etc…)

Logitech MX610 left handed using SetPoint with Uberoptions. Both of these worked without a hitch on my old machine (XP64, Quadro FX3700). No special dual screen software - just what the Catalyst driver settings allow. I’m not using Hydravision.

Generally, I’d say that my impression of W7 + dual screens + Firepro V7800 vs. XP64 + dual screens + FX3700 is that it’s a substantial backward step. W7s’ handling of dual screens leaves much to be desired. I can’t even stretch the taskbar to full width.

I Windows 8 you can… you can apparently even have a different taskbar for each monitor, showing only the stuff active on that monitor (haven’t tried that yet).

This might be due to the drivers for this mouse not being written for Windows 7 but I’m guessing without hunting for more info on the Logitech forums. I do see that the mouse is a discontinued product so it may not be getting driver updates for a more recent OS. If you can try another mouse on this machine that is not a Logitech one, that would test my theory. If it is the mouse or drivers, you can then try looking for a more recent version of SetPoint if one exists.

@mikko, can you please help here?

I have a 705 (more recent than 610) running on Setpoint on Vista, Win 7 and Win 8, dual monitors, no problem as described seen here.

Discontinued it may be, but it’s the best left handed mouse I’ve found to date. Logitech and Microsoft don’t do LH mice now. Considering we’re approx. 15% of the population, we’re pretty much ignored.

Anyway, what makes people think it’s the mouse driver that’s the culprit? It’s the Selection Menu that’s not coming to the mouse cursor, not vice versa. I’m on SetPoint 4.80 if it matters.

I think some AMD drivers had a setting that forces dialogs to the center of the screen-


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Hehe. Pascal 1, Rest of the World 0. He shoots, he scores.

Thanks Pascal!