Selection menu - colour problem


can anybody tell me how to control the font colour of the selected(hover with mouse) item in the selection menu list?

I don’t remember changing this, but now I can not read anymore the item that is highlighted!
running latest SR here.


Hello - this is set in Options > Appearance page

not sure if I get you.

can you elaborate?

my problem is that the text colour for the selected item changes to light grey.
I can not find any option to change that light grey to another colour…

Hey dude,

Check this out

Properties > Selection Menu > Highlight Color option


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ok thanks, but that only controls the highlight of the geometry, not the text in the pop up box.

i just figured that it correlates with the chosen window colour, at least on win7
why rhino uses that colour to render the font is unclear to me. same on rhino 5/6

Yes, the background highlight color is not controlled by Rhino. For the text, I think it tries to figure out a contrasting color to the background color - light if the background is dark and vice-versa - but looks like it’s failing in this case. Mine here goes from black text on white background to white text on a medium blue background. The question is whether it’s Rhino or Windows which is creating the text color…


yeah… it is odd! I think light blue with white is the standard windows setting for selected items, again here win 7 (with modified settings)

in the layer menu it works fine, I adjusted now the highlight colour to go with the window colour i chose, so I can see the light grey:

It may be set up to be binary - light text when highlighted and dark text when not. If so, you may be SOL if you have a highlight background color that is not very contrasting to the light gray highlight text…

I know what you mean, but testing this, on my machine, it clearly uses the “window background colour” from the windows settings to draw the text, and disregards the “font” setting of that entry.

I feel like a dumbass :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

no worries man, thanks for tying to help :wink:
I know it is easy to miss these dmn details…

I fuk’n love you… I gave up on losing the object colour option when selecting overlapped objects… Thank you very much!