The work shown is to generate a large rectangle so that when it reaches its dimensions to a certain extent, two small squares are added, their dimensions are limited between 6.4 and 8.0. How can I determine the dimensions of the two small squares by choosing from this range only three values (6.4,7.7,8.0)?
Post the definition. Also what is the logic behind the values? When should they be 6.4, or 7.7 or 8.0?
Thanks David, the plan is a piece of land to build a school when it gets a bit larger. I’d like to add two additional classrooms to the site
(The remainder of the school plan is not visible). and this increase in the dimensions of the classroom is limited to a standard so that the dimensions of the class
Ranging from the three values given
I don´t think you understood my question.
I have to isolate the 3 values you need. 6.4, 7.7 and 8.0. But when and why should the value 6.4 should be selected, when and why should 7.7 be selected and the same for 8.0.
Also please post the grasshopper file.
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I am sorry I did not think well about it. I have to divide the increase in the area of the site to three ranges and then put one of the three figures for each range
We start by adding the small squares when the dimensions of the site increase from the following values (values in x from 70 m to 100 m and when the values in y increases from 100 m to 130 m) which can be the range every ten digits change the area of the classroom.
I wish you can bear my mistakes,
My apps have been on the program since only 15 days