Hey guys,
sorry for another of these questions, but I have problems with splitting trees and masks. Can someone help me with this problem. I would like to select points of the mesh like in the picture below.
Geometry Dome Select Points.gh (22.1 KB)
Hey guys,
sorry for another of these questions, but I have problems with splitting trees and masks. Can someone help me with this problem. I would like to select points of the mesh like in the picture below.
Nobody? It’s every third point in every row, but the numbers of the points are sorted quite randomly. I can’t get them sorted better…
Further developed definition posted here
mesh curves direction_RE-2.gh (38.3 KB)
This is amazing! Thank you very much!
What is going on if I change the size and the level of subdivision? I thought it would work the same? Why does the curves have holes now and why does the splitting mask don’t work anymore?
Curves and points of parabola mesh.gh (31.5 KB)
This is only working for the first branch, not for the second and third. As a result I have problems with the dispatch on the top, before splitting the tree.
Branch 2
Branch 3
Curves and points of parabola mesh_3.gh (27.1 KB)
Check this one, cleaned definition a bit, so no confusion will occur in future, i hope…
Curves and points of parabola mesh_3.gh (26.2 KB)
Great! Thanks a lot for your effort!