Hi all, I know there is a command to select for example all points, or all curves, within your entire workspace.
I was wondering however if it’s possible to limit this selection to a subselection within your document. So I drag my mouse to create a selection box to select a bunch of objects, but the command automatically filters out the object type that I specified (points, open curves, closed curves etc).
That is quite close to what I’m looking for, functionally it indeed does what I need but it’s a little cumbersome to constantly check and uncheck all boxes.
You don’t need to do that, of for example you right click in the checkbox on a certain type of object, it will check just that, and another right click in the same box will restore the previous checks. It’s also possible to make toolbar buttons or aliases with macros using the dash version of the command _-SelectionFilter that will activate/deactivate your favorite combinations of object types in one click.