Select Adjacent Faces

Hi @Rhino_Bulgaria

I am building an utility to share for free with the community.
The path inside solid command is something else that I was requested by another user
With time I hope we will have much more to share than just 2commands.
People always ask similar questions, I believe I can make an utility that answers to the community common issues, when I see something that can be useful I add it to the utility plugin.

If you upload your 3d model. I will see about the bugs.
If you have any ideas for useful plugins let me know.
I also share some of the source codes here in case anyone finds it useful: GitHub - iwishyouwerehere/RhinocerosUtilities: Various utilities based on questions made on the Discourse forums


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Thank you! I will write some suggestions letter when I’m free.
By the way, my 3dm file is already uploaded in my last post, just above the image.

I have no idea. It’s a WIP command for now. :smiley: